Saturday, April 12, 2014

A bit off topic

I have been teaching photography for the last month and a half to the elderly and working as a substitute teacher for about a month.  I have learned a few things (yes, from teaching).  If you do not make time, minimum once a week, to do something you love and feel you were meant to do, you will become resentful.  You will become resentful towards everyone and everything you believe to be responsible until you finally realize that you were the cause for the resentment all along.  Then you have to do something about it, and that will take 10 times more time to take care of than putting yourself first from the get-go.

I work as a sub because I need to.  I teach photography because I need to. I garden because I need to. I do not need to do any of those things for the same reason, but that does not make any of those things less or more important than the others.

I once had a sculpture professor and I asked him "Why did you become a teacher?".  His response was simple. He looked at me and said "Sometimes you have to do something you really hate to keep doing something you really love." and that made sense to me.

I do not necessarily hate working as a substitute teacher.  I do hate the majority of the material I am forced to teach.  I need to do this because I have bills to pay and 2 small people living in our home who expect food, clothing and the lights to stay on and a single income home doesn't work anymore.  I teach photography because if I do not make sure I have a creative outlet and a way to bring this outlet to others, as well as keep a reminder of why I continue to take pictures, it will be the death of me.  I garden to keep myself from killing others and I hope to one day not rely on the supermarket for carrots and tomatoes. 

The bottom line is never let anyone aside from yourself decide what YOU NEED.